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Vent pipes and roof dryer vents

The proper ventilation can prevent the damaging and premature aging of materials used to build the roof. The cause of the defects may be the moisture during winter or the excessive heat during summer.


The vent pipes and roof dryer vents for flat and inclined roofs offered by us are characterised by an exceptional resistance to the weather conditions. Our products are used in roofs covered with thermoplastic bitumen membrane, PVC foil, and TPO foil.


Vent pipes for flat roofs

Vent pipes for bitumen roofs Vent pipes for bitumen roofs
Vent pipes for PVC membranes Vent pipes for PVC membranes
Vent pipes for TPO membranes Vent pipes for TPO membranes
Flat roof vent pipe extensions - double ventilation Flat roof vent pipe extensions - double ventilation
ESTRAER – moisture removal system ESTRAER – moisture removal system
Anti-insect protection Anti-insect protection

Vent pipes for inclined roofs

Roof dryer vents Roof dryer vents
Vent pipes with adjustable angle Vent pipes with adjustable angle
Ridge ventilation Ridge ventilation
Roof dryer vents with decorative coating Roof dryer vents with decorative coating
Vent pipes with adjustable angle with decorative coating Vent pipes with adjustable angle with decorative coating

Vent pipes – Allow the air and water vapour to exit from the structure. They prevent the creation of air bubbles in the roof insulation when the steam pressure is released and are the basic element of the ventilation systems of non-insulated roofs and roofs covered both with the thermoplastic bitumen membrane and TPO or PCV foils.


Roof dryer vents – They are intended for the ventilation of attics of idle spaces and spaces between the roof and insulation layer. They effectively remove the moisture from insulation materials such as styrofoam or wool.


Ridge ventilation – It is a type of ventilation intended for an installation on the top of inclined roofs, which fits any profile of roof covering. The ridge ventilation is used on a large-scale in the residential construction. It is one of the most effective ventilation systems.