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Through wall parapet roof drains for PVC membranes

Angled roof drain with a round and rectangular cross-section, 425 mm or 500 mm long.

Possibility of fitting an appropriate grid to protect against dirt.

Through wall parapet roof drains allow water to be safely led through the attic to the next roof drainage elements. Also available in a "wedge" version.

Through wall parapet drain for PVC membrane

Article: Diameter: Price:
120-350-500-050 50 [mm] 36,98 EUR
120-350-500-090 90 [mm] 41,82 EUR

Length: 500 [mm]

Product options
Net price from: 36.98 EUR
Gross price from: 45.48 EUR
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Through wall parapet drain for PVC membrane

Article: Diameter: Price:
i304A 63 [mm] 32,64 EUR
i305A 75 [mm] 33,66 EUR
i307A 80 [mm] 34,94 EUR
i310A 100 [mm] 35,96 EUR
i311A 110 [mm] 37,49 EUR
i312A 125 [mm] 40,55 EUR

Length: 500 [mm]

Product options
Net price from: 32.64 EUR
Gross price from: 40.15 EUR
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Through wall parapet drain for PVC membrane

Article: Dimensions: Price:
120-300-065-100 65 × 100 [mm] 24,23 EUR
120-300-100-100 100 × 100 [mm] 24,48 EUR

Length: 425 [mm]

Product options
Net price from: 24.23 EUR
Gross price from: 29.80 EUR
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Through wall parapet drain for PVC membrane

Article: Dimensions:
i45.1 65 × 100 [mm]

Length: 450 [mm]

Net price: 24.23 EUR
Gross price: 29.80 EUR
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Through wall parapet drain for PVC membrane

Article: Dimensions:
i39.2A 100 × 100 [mm]

Length: 500 [mm]

Net price: 29.84 EUR
Gross price: 36.70 EUR
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Through wall parapet drain for PVC membrane with a wedge

Article: Dimensions: Price:
120-301-065-100 65 × 100 [mm] 24,74 EUR
120-301-100-100 100 × 100 [mm] 25,50 EUR

Insulation wedge: 5 [cm]

Length: 425 [mm]

Product options
Net price from: 24.74 EUR
Gross price from: 30.42 EUR
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Attic drains for PVC membranes are an integral part of roof drainage systems. Placing them in the right places ensures proper water flow and protects the structure from possible damage.

Our drains are versatile. Through wall parapet roof drains can be used both as horizontal drainage, leading water outside the building, and vertical, in combination with an external downpipe.

A big advantage is resistance to external factors: UV rays, ozone and other atmospheric factors. Flexibility and dimensional stability: thanks to a special material, the drains do not lose their properties in extreme temperatures.

When installed horizontally, the pipe should be mounted with a 3 - 5% slope. There is also the possibility of vertical mounting through the ceiling at the attic.